Every business needs knowledgeable and productive resources to meet it's growth objectives. Similarly, every individual seeks to pursue a rewarding career by delivering efficiencies.

CELSE Experiential Learning programs not only connect these aspirations but also conduct extensive research to curate effective experiences. These programs simulate industry requirements while developing knowledgeable resources, creating a synergistic pathway for both business growth and career advancement.

CELSE or Centre for Experiential Learning and Skill Enhancement is a futuristic company that transforms learners into domain experts, bridging the gap between academia and industry.

Our experiential Learning approach, coupled with research-based program content, mounted on tech-Infused platform and delivered by industry experts, empowers individuals to thrive and excel in their chosen fields.

With CELSE, every Learner benefits

Gains the real world Edge

Holistic skill Development

Future-Ready Learning

Job Relevant Certifications

Placemnet Support

CELSE Features

Teach-Infused platform is develop job relevant knowledge and skills

Job-Oriented practical scenarios through Experiential Learning

Simulative work envirnment: No traditioanal learning program

Assigments, Evaluations, and progres Tracking system

Moke interviews, Communication club, Presentation Labs, Coporate grooming


Center for Experiential Learning and Skill Enhancement (CELSE) Labs Private Limited is a forward-thinking company dedicated to creating knowledgeable resources across various domains.

Originally founded as Prohub Learning in 2020 with programs focused on accounting, it evolved into CELSE Labs Private Limited in 2022.

The company’s founders believe that in today’s rapidly changing world, the most effective way to equip aspirants with essential job-related skills and tasks is through experiential learning.
This hands-on approach is seen as the best method for fostering practical knowledge and proficiency.

CELSE currently offers programs in Accounting and Finance through a unique, simulative tech platform that provides learners with real job experiences and a comprehensive set of allied skills, enabling them to excel in their fields.

In addition, CELSE provides programs in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, as well as HR and Process Management, ensuring a broad spectrum of professional development opportunities for learners.


To become the most trusted company for both businesses and aspiring workforce for shaping domain expert resources globally.


To lend our expertise for the development of a skilful generation with the adept use of strong experiential learning and skill enhancement platforms and help them grow and achieve their dreams beyond just qualifications.